December Missionary Update

Broyles to the Balkans

Dear partners in ministry,

May this verse be true for each and everyone of us. We have nothing to glory of, but the necessity of preaching the gospel is laid upon every believer in Christ. It is a joy and honor to preach the Gospel, especially during this time of “good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”

Thankfulness – We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with family in Alabama, and we are so thankful for that opportunity. As we were traveling to Alabama we played our “Thankful” car game where each person says one thing they are thankful to God for, and one thing that was mentioned were you all, our prayer and support partners. We are so thankful for you!

Preaching – While still in Brazil at the beginning of last month I had the opportunity to teach an intensive evangelistic course and preach at a church that we had the privilege of helping start. We were also able to teach at another church about the need to reach the world with the Gospel. Back in the USA as we are still waiting on God so we can move to Albania, I have had opportunities to preach in chapels and churches. Please pray that God would work in the hearts of those that we have ministered to.

Albania – Please be in prayer for Albania as they are having problems in their parliament with the opposition setting off smoke bombs, burning paper, and trying to shut down proceedings. They are trying to fix problems in the government, but we know that the only ONE who can really fix the problem that Albania has is Jesus Christ.


-Thanksgiving day with family.

-Opportunities to Preach.

-Time of waiting.

Prayer Request:

-Albania’s Government.

-More Laborers.


Here to preach the Gospel,

The Broyles


We hope that everyone reading this letter had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families. This was our first Thanksgiving away from our family in the States but also our first Thanksgiving where we got to start some of our own traditions. Amber did most of the hard work making a special brunch to start the day while I watched the girls. Later in the evening we got together with some other missionaries to enjoy a big meal together. 

In the middle of November we had a lot of sickness; Rosie, Sofia, and myself all came down with a bug that stuck around for awhile. Praise the Lord we are all doing better again. Considering the fact that we are in a new country facing so many germs that our systems aren’t adapted to yet, we are amazed and thankful that we haven’t been sick more often this year.

We started the month with a trip to the immigration office, and got our visas renewed for another 60 days. We are hopeful that we won’t have to do that too many more times before our residency goes through.  
Language studies are also going well. Sofia’s Spanish, in particular, is really developing exponentially.

I wanted to apologize to those of you who receive our prayer letter just by mail. Some of you may not have received prayer letters from us for a few months. There was a change in who was sending out our prayer letters and I completely overlooked the memo. We greatly appreciate everyone’s prayers and would not like that to happen again so, let me give you a few options to reach us in case something like that happens again or if you need to contact me for anything else such as giving an update at your church whenever we have our furlough, which will hopefully be this coming Spring/Summer.

Our US number still works [850-602-8222] but it can take a few attempts for the connection to go through successfully. That number is also my Whatsapp number. My email is [email protected]. Facebook messenger would also work. Or you could send mail to our mission board at:
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
They will send me a photocopy of any mail. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your prayers for us. As we enter the holiday season we are also drawing close to our one-year mark here in Honduras, and our minds are filled with many things God has done for us. One of those things is having brothers and sisters like yourselves who continually lift us up in prayer. Thank you for loving missions. Thank you for loving us. May the Lord bless you greatly.

Serving Christ,
Andrew and Amber Garcia